See the grid below for a quick guide on important term related tasks for faculty: CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS - Faculty Center > My Schedule CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS - Faculty Center > My Schedule > click the CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS > Faculty Center > Class Roster Confirmation CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS - Faculty Center > My Schedule > click the You can navigate to myUM from the main Miami homepage or CaneLink > Faculty Home > Online Resources > myUM
View my Class Schedule
View my Class Roster
icon next to the class
Class Roster Confirmation
View my Grade Roster
icon next to the class
View my Paycheck and Other HR-Related Data (myUM)
Terms (semesters) in CaneLink are limited to four numerical characters. As such, a new term numbering system was devised. The first digit refers to the millennium in which the term occurs. The second and third digits refer to the shorthand year in which the term takes place. The fourth digit refers to the month in which the term begins. For example: 1998= Fall 1999, 2138 = Fall 2013, 2141 = Spring 2014, and 2145 = Summer 2014.
To view your class roster, click on this icon NOTE: You can only switch between classes by going back to the My Schedule tab, and clicking on the class roster icon ( for the class you want to view in the My Schedule tab.
) of the new class you wish to view.
Class rosters only show when there are students enrolled in your class, or you are correctly assigned via the schedule of classes. If you do not see a class that you should be assigned to, contact your department scheduler.
To download your class roster, navigate to CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS – Faculty Center > Class Roster. Once you have navigated to the screen that lists the students in your class, you can select the download icon ( To access your Class Roster Confrimation, navigate to CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS > Faculty Center > Class Roster Confirmation) to download your class roster to Microsoft Excel.
This is a business process that will be defined by each school or college. Contact your school's/college's central scheduling unit.
To view the schedule of classes for Fall 2013 forward, go to CaneLink > Faculty Home > UM SIS – Faculty Center > Search. From the main search page, you can select a subject, and specify course number and career. If you would like other options (i.e., meeting times, class keywords, course components, or course attribute, e.g., "writing" etc.) click the arrow next to "Additional Search Criteria." NOTE: It is not necessary to select more than one search criteria. If your search will return more than 50 results, you will receive a warning screen. Click the OK button.
The last time you taught a class will display as the default term. Click the "Select Term" button to change the display term (semester).
To view your grade roster, click on the icon NOTE: This icon will only appear after grade rosters have been released. Contact the Office of the Registrar for further details. for the roster you want to view from the My Schedule tab.
Grade rosters will be produced at the end of a term or session. Once grade rosters are produced, you will be able to access your grade roster to record grades. Contact the Office of the Registrar for further details.
Yes. Click the "Change Term" button, and select a prior term. Then click the grade roster icon ( Note: The Office of the Registrar has loaded grades for classes dating back to Spring 2005. ) for the grade roster you would like to view.
Navigate to the Class Roster page. Once there, you have several options: 1) Click the student's name to utilize your desktop email package to email an individual student; 2) Select "notify selected students" to select one or more students—this option utilizes a screen in the system where you can type a message to the students; or 3) Select "notify all students" to email all the students in your class utilizing the student system email screen.
No. The "notify students" button is used to send an email to all students. It is not related to the grade roster functionality. Make sure the "Approval Status" is set to "Approved" and click the save button. You will receive a pop-up message stating that grades have been successfully sent to the Office of the Registrar for posting.
You have a couple of options to view a photo of students in your class. From the Class Roster grid, you can click on the Note: Due to the size and shape of the photos that are loaded from the 'Cane Card system into CaneLink, certain printers may cut photos off at the bottom of the page. icon located in the Photo column of the grid. This will bring up a photo of the student you selected. To view all students, click the "Printer Friendly with photos" button.
CaneLink receives student pictures from the system that contains cane card photos, and loads them at the beginning of each semester. If you are teaching a class with many students that have not yet received a cane card, those students will not have a picture available in the system.
You can adjust the end time and refresh your calendar. Unfortunately, this view cannot be saved in this format to view every time you return to this function.
As a faculty advisor, you will have access to the Advisor Center, which provides additional functionality in this system. You must be assigned as a student's advisor for the Advisor Center to display. Student Experience Classic CaneLink (previously titled "full site") If you have any questions about your assignment as an advisor, please contact the Dean's Office in your school or college.
Click on the Advisor Center button and go to the View Advisees tab on the left menu.
You can also navigate to the Advisor Center by clicking Admin Home > Self Service > Advisor Center.
Student Experience Classic CaneLink (previously titled "full site")
In the View Advisees screen, you can see a list of students assigned to you. Click on the Act as User button. This will allow you to view several aspects of the student's academic record, e.g., class schedule, service indicators, degree progress report, enrollment shopping cart, in order to properly advise them on their academic career.
In the Advisor Center, you can see a list of students assigned to you. Click View Student Details next to the intended student name to drill into several aspects of the student's academic record, e.g., class schedule, service indicators, degree progress report, enrollment shopping cart, in order to properly advise them on their academic career.
No, this is normally a function a student performs. In some cases, registration is done at the Dean's Office in certain schools or colleges. You can see what classes a student plans to enroll in by looking at the student's planner or shopping cart. The planner allows the student to plan several terms by selecting from the course catalog while the shopping cart allows them to select term specific classes for the term once the schedule of classes has been published.
PIN numbers are no longer used. Departments can now offer course based "Permission Numbers," that students can enter in order to enroll in a permission only class. For more information on using permission numbers, or to request permission numbers for your class, contact the Dean's office of your school or college.
Yes. Each advisor has access to the student's information. There is no way to assign a primary advisor. Each advisor has similar access. If a student has more than one advisor, any of the advisors can take the student off of a Hold. It is advisable that students have as few advisors as possible.
No, when a Service Indicator (hold) is released for a student, no notifications are sent. However, when the student logs into CaneLink, she/he can see who removed the Hold, and when the Hold was removed.
Student Experience Classic CaneLink (previously titled "full site")
You can release the advising Service Indicator (Hold) by going to View Advisees on the menu and looking for the Holds button that appears for any advisee that currently has one. Once you click on the button, you will see the option to Release Hold.
If you are listed as a student's advisor, you can release the advising service indicator by navigating to CaneLink > Advisor Center > My Advisees tab. In the list view of your advisees, you can click on the 'release advising hold' to release the hold on the student. If the service indicator has already been released, the person who released it and the release time will be displayed.
Student Experience Classic CaneLink (previously titled "full site")
Navigate to View Advisees. Click on the Act as User button to act as the student that you want to see the dates for. Click on the Enrollment menu, and go to Enrollment Dates.
Navigate to CaneLink > Advisor Center > Student Center tab. The enrollment dates are displayed in a box on the right hand side of the screen.
Student Experience Classic CaneLink (previously titled "full site") Note: A service indicator is a hold on the student's record. A negative service indicator indicates a service is being withheld such as the ability to register for classes or order a transcript.
Navigate to View Advisees. To view the Service Indicators (Holds), click on the Holds button. This will show any Academic Advisement Holds that the students has.
Navigate to CaneLink > Advisor Center > Student Center tab. The holds are displayed in the Holds module on the right side of the Advisee Student Center. You can also view holds by navigating to CaneLink > Advisor Center > General Info. Holds are listed under the 'service indicators' section of this page.
Student Experience Classic CaneLink (previously titled "full site")
Navigate to View Advisees. Click on the Act as User button to act as the student. Go to Academics > Advisor Information where all advisors for that student will display.
Navigate to CaneLink > Advisor Center > Student Center tab. The student’s advisors are displayed in the Advisor section on the Advisee Student Center screen.