Category |
Business Process |
Description |
Audience |
Tip Sheet |
Tutorial |
How Do I Find It? |
APR Summary |
Learn how to run the APR Summary (FIN-ACC-APR Summary) report to display the Account Posting Rules currently set up in Workday and map the relationship between the Ledger Account and the correct Spend Category or Revenue Category. |
Cost Center Manager, Finance Reviewer, Senior Business Manager |
N/A |
How Do I Find It? |
Enhanced Journal Line Detail |
Learn how to run the Enhanced Journal Line Detail (FIN-ACC-Enhanced Journal Line Detail) report to find journal line detail information for Purchase Orders (POs), Purchase Requisitions, Expense Reports, Invoices, and Journals associated with one or more selected Cost Centers, Cost Center Hierarchies, or Driver Worktags (with the exception of Grant). |
Finance Roles |
How Do I Find It? |
Find Expense Report Lines for Organization |
Learn how to run the Find Expense Report Lines for Organization (FIN-P2P-Find Expense Report Lines for Organization) report to search for Expense Reports by one or more Cost Centers, Cost Center Hierarchies, or Driver Worktags, including those that have been created on behalf of another employee and saved for later. |
Finance Roles |
How Do I Find It? |
Find Journal Lines |
Learn how to run the Find Journal Lines report to search for Journal Lines by user, journal status, fiscal periods, and other criteria. |
Accountant, Accounting Manager |
N/A |
How Do I Find It? |
Find Journals |
Learn how to run the Find Journals report to search for Journals by user, journal status, fiscal periods, and other criteria. |
Accountant, Accounting Manager |
How Do I Find It? |
Find Purchase Order Line and Line Splits for Organization |
Learn how to run the Find Purchase Order Line and Line Splits for Organization report to search for Purchase Orders by one or more Cost Centers, Cost Center Hierarchies, or Driver Worktags. |
Finance Roles |
How Do I Find It? |
Find Requisition Lines and Line Splits for Organization |
Learn how to run the Find Requisition Lines and Line Splits report to search for Purchase Requisition line details for one or more Cost Centers, Cost Center Hierarchies, or Driver Worktags, including those that have been saved for later. |
Finance Roles |
N/A |
How Do I Find It? |
POs with Open Encumbrances by Organization |
Learn how to run the POs with Open Encumbrances by Organization (FIN-P2P-POs with Open Encumbrances by Organization) report to identify Purchase Orders (POs) that have remaining/open balances by one or more Cost Centers, Cost Center Hierarchies, or Driver Worktags. |
Finance Roles |
How Do I Find It? |
Role Assignments for Worker Position |
Learn how to run the Role Assignments for Worker Position report to view each assigned Workday security role a specified employee has and all organizations for which they have that security role assigned. |
Cost Center Manager, Employee as Self, Finance Reviewer, HR Partner Manager, Senior Business Manager, Senior Business Officer, Worktag Reviewer |
How Do I Find It? |
Supplier Invoice Lines by Organization |
Learn how to run the Supplier Invoice Lines by Organization (FIN-P2P-Supplier Invoice Lines by Organization) report to view Supplier Invoice details by one or more Cost Centers, Cost Center Hierarchies, or Driver Worktags. |
Finance Roles |